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How Many Players Are in a Futsal Game: Everything You Need to Know

Are you a fan of futsal or curious to learn more about this exciting sport? One common question that often arises is how many players are involved in a futsal game. In this article, we will delve into the details of the player count in a futsal match, exploring the rules and nuances of this fast-paced game.


Futsal, derived from the Portuguese term “futebol de salão” (indoor football), is a variant of traditional soccer played indoors on a smaller, hard court. Renowned for its dynamic gameplay and emphasis on skill and technique, futsal has gained popularity worldwide. One of the key aspects that sets futsal apart from soccer is the number of players on the field.

The Player Count in a Futsal Game

In a standard futsal game, both teams consist of five players each. Each team is comprised of four outfield players and one goalkeeper. The small team size allows for a fast-paced and exciting style of play in a relatively confined space, demanding quick thinking, close control, and exceptional ball skills.

Understanding the Roles

To fully comprehend a futsal game, it is essential to understand the roles of each player:

  1. Goalkeeper: The goalkeeper’s primary responsibility is to prevent the opposing team from scoring goals. They possess a distinct set of skills, including agility, reflexes, and exceptional goalkeeping techniques.

  2. Outfield Players: The remaining four players on each team make up the outfield players, who can assume a variety of roles depending on the team’s strategy. These roles may include defenders, midfielders, or forwards. Each outfield player plays a crucial part in creating scoring opportunities and maintaining defensive stability.

Tactical Aspects and Strategic Substitutions

Futsal offers teams the flexibility to make substitutions more frequently compared to traditional soccer. Since there are only five players on the team, coaches can rotate their players more often to maintain a high level of intensity throughout the game. This strategic advantage ensures that futsal matches are action-packed and require constant adaptation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some commonly asked questions about the player count in a futsal game:

  1. Q: Can teams play with fewer players in futsal?
  2. A: No, each team must consist of five players: four outfield players and one goalkeeper. Playing with fewer players may result in a forfeit.

  3. Q: Are there any restrictions regarding player positions?

  4. A: No, there are no specific restrictions on player positions. Outfield players can take on various roles, such as defenders, midfielders, or forwards, depending on the team’s tactics.

  5. Q: Can a goalkeeper switch positions during a futsal match?

  6. A: Yes, a goalkeeper can switch positions with an outfield player during a game. However, the player must leave the field and enter as an outfield player during a substitution.

  7. Q: How many substitutes are allowed in futsal?

  8. A: Futsal allows unlimited substitutions, and they can be made at any point during the game.

  9. Q: What happens if a team has fewer than five players due to red cards or injuries?

  10. A: If a team has fewer than five players on the field due to red cards or injuries, they can continue the game with as few as three players. However, they will be unable to substitute any players until they have the minimum required number on the field.


Understanding the player count and positions in a futsal game is crucial for both players and spectators alike. With five players on each team, futsal offers a unique and intense experience that highlights individual skills, teamwork, and rapid decision-making. As the popularity of futsal continues to grow, its dynamic nature and distinctive player count continue to captivate sports enthusiasts worldwide.

So, gear up, grab a futsal ball, and get ready to immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of futsal!

FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game